Supporting Decorex’s efforts to help inform visitors on the importance of product procurement from ethical and transparent supply chains, GoodWeave will share the positive social impact its licensing and certification programme has on worker communities involved in making rugs and interior home textiles in India and Nepal.
With forecasts that climate change will cause increased humanitarian crisis across the globe, the need to protect vulnerable children and workers has never been greater. Additionally, new mandatory human rights due diligence legislation is being developed in Europe and other countries that will require companies over a certain size to be accountable for adverse human rights impact in supply chains.
From deep supply chain mapping including subcontracted and home-based manufacturing worksites, unannounced inspections, remediation and prevention, GoodWeave operates at the grassroots level forging essential relationships with worker communities, governments and manufacturing companies. This helps to shine the light on hidden supply chains whilst protecting workers’ rights. Products carrying a GoodWeave certification label provide much-needed assurance that they are manufactured free of child, forced and bonded labour, a truly valuable asset as consumers and regulators look more carefully at ethically produced commodities.