Create Growth Opportunities
There’s a saying… what you focus on expands.
Meaning - the more attention and energy you give to something, the more it will grow.
Think of your business like a plant… it needs certain nutrients to grow. That’s what you are creating at Decorex. The connections you are making, the ideas you’re taking away, the new ideas that feed your creativity… This is all nourishment for your business.
Don’t just engage passively - browse, pick up a few business cards and then go home. That’s not going to do anything for your business.
Be asking…
Which suppliers align with your brand and the way you design? How can you create mutually beneficial relationships? For example if a supplier has a showroom they’re likely to have lots of potential clients coming through their doors. What can you share with them at the show, and how will you follow up, to ensure that they will think of you first when they have a client who loves their products and needs a designer?
How can you create opportunities to raise your visibility? If you want to be on a Design Talks panel one day, think - what’s my specialism/ what would I talk about / who do I need to connect with to make this happen? Send personalised emails or messages, state the value you bring, lead with reciprocity.
Arrange to meet other designers. Yes, it’s nice to meet for coffee and a chat but also be thinking - who could I strategically align with? Who might I collaborate with? Who is in a similar niche or area to me and could become a mutual source of referrals or contractor recommendations? Reach out, follow up, keep expanding your network.
Don’t let your mind start talking you out of taking action. As you’re reading this, consider what ideas are coming up for you and don’t start over-analysing them - you’ll waste way more energy overthinking it than if you just took the action and see where it leads you.
Make a Plan to Grow Your Business
If you’re in an early phase of business (it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been going - this is about moving out of the ‘survival’ stage) -
Figuring out how to market yourself beyond word of mouth referrals
Attempting to attract a more aligned calibre of client
Trying to make money consistently
I have a free masterclass that lets you know the key steps to build an aligned, profitable interior design business:
Click to watch Katy’s interior design business masterclass
And if we’re not connected then come and say Hi on Instagram, I’d love to connect with you ahead of hopefully seeing you in person at Decorex in October!
See Katy Stevenson Bretton live at Decorex 2024
Katy’s keynote is 11:00 - 11:45am on Monday 7th October -
The Secret to Success as an Interior Designer