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Fresh Monthly Content on The Edit

Our monthly content programme has been designed to ensure there’s always something new for our members to learn and take inspiration from. On the third Thursday of every month, we deliver a selection of vibrant discussions based on a topical, design-led theme.

Upcoming Content on The Edit


Wellbeing: Nature & Biophilia

We talk to the pivotal designers who craft interior spaces that harness the power of nature and deeply consider the wellbeing of those that inhabit them.


British Design

You need look no further than our home soil in Britain to find some of the most creative minds in design. We put a spotlight on the products and designers that make the UK design industry so awe-inspiring.


Wellbeing: Home as a Sanctuary

Homes should be designed for living. We take a moment to consider how creative design and furnishings within a home can ensure it’s a space to relax in and feel at peace.


Hospitality: Hotel & Restaurant Design

Moving from residential into the exciting world of hotel and restaurant design, we discuss some of the best and most creative interiors across the world of hospitality. 


Innovations: Future of the Design Industry

What’s next for the industry? We look at how the innovations of today will affect the future of design.

Already on The Edit

We’ve brought together some of design’s brightest minds to talk on topics they’re truly passionate about. See our themed sessions, all of which are available to enjoy on The Edit platform now. Become a member to browse our catalogue of content.



As a member of The Edit you’ll have access to: 

  • A rich archive of webinars, panel discussions, masterclasses and key notes 
  • Fresh monthly content on topical themes , in association with BIID
  • Live Q&As with the industry’s brightest minds
  • Monthly business sessions filled with practical advice
  • Roundtables to catch up with fellow members and discuss important topics
  • Chat facilities with fellow members  
  • An interior design product catalogue   

£30 per year