Current work
David Clarke undertook a residency at the Tunbridge Wells Museum with bookbinderTracey Rowledge, which resulted in a new body of work, shown in ‘Shelved.’ 2017-18.
He has just completed a 9 month community project for the Dallas Museum of Art , culminating in a commissioned piece made from donations of silver, from 36 families. 75 pieces were distilled down into a huge centrepiece titled:‘ FamilyMatter.’ In return each donor received a hand made beaker as a mark of their generosity and support.
The V&A recently purchased a pair of ceramic budgies from David Clarke’s ‘Menagerie Collection.’ The slipcase birds by German artist Karl Ens were used as moulds; molten pewter was poured into the internal void to crack or explode the ceramics. He has also produced a collection of altered and painted silver plate domestic objects, entitled ‘Face Lift,’ for a Shanghai Collector.
David Clarke was selected to exhibit in ‘Another Crossing,’ curated by Glenn Adamson.The show revisits the Mayflower Voyage, the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower crossing and its significance to American and world history. Clarke’s response was to produce a haunting object entitled ‘Poor Traits;’ oval in form — with the approximate dimensions of the famous depiction of Pocahontas, now in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington — it suggests a painting, but also a mirror, and perhaps a grave marker.